Speaking out against racism
Anti-racism. Barcelona presents the campaign “Voices against racism”, with sixty activities in November and through to the middle of December to generate debate and reflection and get people involved in the fight against racism.

Presentation and conversation with entities: Anti-racism from the perspective of othering and belonging
WITH JOHN A. POWELL. With inclusion and social justice as basic premises, his work has influenced movements such as Black Lives Matter.

How can we combat Anti-Muslim racism in the local area?
ANTI-MUSLIM RACISM. The European Coalition of Cities against Racism (ECCAR) has released a new guide that includes good practice initiatives from various cities throughout Europe that focus on measures to combat anti-Muslim racism.

Racism and xenophobia remain the main reasons for discrimination in Barcelona
According to data from the Discrimination Observatory.

Have you ever heard about The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women?
WOMEN'S RIGHTS. The Convention was signed more than 40 years ago. Today, 189 states have signed and ratified it.

Women who turned Human Rights into universal rights
WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Did you know that the Declaration of Human Rights came close to referring to "all men" instead of "all human beings"?

“The need for food aid in Spain is significantly higher now than it was in 2019”
SPEAKING TO HR DEFENDERS. We speak about poverty and his new report on Spain.

Published the 2021 Report of the barcelona Discrimination Observatory
DISCRIMINATION. The central theme of the 2021 report is discrimination in the access to housing.
New campaign on basic payment accounts
FINANCIAL RIGHTS. Access to financial services is vital to access many other rights.

Barcelona’s accessibility model sets an international example
Accessibility. The city’s model was shared in sessions ahead of the Global Disability Summit 2022.