The City Police held their annual ceremony in the auditorium at the CCIB yesterday afternoon. This year’s event included tributes to retiring staff and the awarding of medals for long service, medals of merit and plaques of recognition by the corps.
In all, 265 awards were given, highlighting the work and commitment to the city of various security and emergency corps, social services, various groups of professionals and other municipal services and social organisations.
Specifically, the corps awarded its medals of honour for internal merit and projects, bronze medals of honour, internal recognition plaques, medals of merit for 35 (silver) and 25 (bronze) years of service. The ceremony also paid homage to retiring staff and the families of three City Police officers who died during the last year.
The annual day recognises the important work carried out in the city by these groups over the course of the year and thanks them for their collaboration in the sphere of safety and prevention.