The elderly collective is one of the most vulnerable when it comes to accidents, and hence the strategic importance for the GUB. For years it has been giving information talks at neighbourhood and day centres (above all on safe mobility). Even so, the "We're there for the elderly" programme represents a further step in providing support for elderly people, with regard to recipients and content alike.

Shared with the Fire Prevention, Extinction and Rescue Service (SPEIS) and the Area of Social Rights at the City Council, the project represents an improvement on previous talks, as it also provides road-safety, public-safety and accident-prevention advice for workers in the Area of Social Rights.

That way, talks are not only offered for the elderly people attending such centres but also to social workers, family members and staff from the telecare-service and energy-assistance points who are in daily contact with this collective.

So, the GUB is offering advice and good practices to more people and maximising acquired knowledge, with the aim of providing information to around 250,000 people over the age of 65 who live in the city.

Once implemented, the programme received a good-practices award in 2017 from the Spanish Road Safety Foundation (FESVIAL).