This is of use to you
Bathing season under way at beaches
A hundred officers from a City Police unit will patroll the ten beaches along the city’s coast.
Crime figures in 2023
Compared to 2022, the number of detentions was up with 23% more, as well as the number of people investigated, with 11.4% more.
Balance of Accidents 2023
Last year saw 8,753 people injured in accidents, some 3.1% fewer than the previous year, and 20 mortalities, three fewer than in 2022.
Victim-assistance service for victims of gender violence, expanded
The Guàrdia Urbana [city police] are incorporating a new assistance service (SAV) at Ciutat Vella Police Station for victims of gender violence and their children, offering priority, comprehensive and specialist assistance.
Safe mobility
Find out about the regulations and help us to make our journeys safer.
Dial 112 for all emergències
The 112 phone number replaces the 092 number for the City Police and the 080 number for the Fire Service.
Recording devices added to the equipment of the Guàrdia Urbana city police force
We hereby inform you that the Guàrdia Urbana city police force now uses body-worn video cameras as a policing tool for ensuring citizen safety.
Where to find us
There is always a GUB territorial unit nearby.
Neighbourhood Police
We are your neighbourhood's key officers working on prevention and with the district’s various services to improve community life.
Want to learn about the GUB's history?
You can find further information on the force’s history here
We’re launching a campaign to make public transport more efficient
09/09/2024 - 14:29 h
Safety and Prevention. Violations such as parking incorrectly and driving in reserved lanes will be addressed.
Disruptions to mobility in Barcelona for Catalan National Day 2024
09/09/2024 - 14:02 h
Safety and prevention. People are advised to use the metro to get around in the city centre.
New operation to enhance passive safety in driving
02/09/2024 - 15:26 h
Safety and prevention. This campaign is part of the Road Safety Strategy 2030, which aims for zero fatalities by 2050.
Relevant projects
Procedures with the GUB
All procedures under the GUB's responsibility can be carried out in person at the Information and Procedures Office from 9 am to 2 pm. To do so, you need to make an appointment.
Some of these units are offices for receiving complaints and reports; check here for the types of complaints and reports that can be filed.
Remember that many of the procedures can be carried out online through Barcelona City Council’s Virtual Office.
Seguretat ciutadana
Intervencions de seguretat ciutadana
Seguretat xarxa metro
Dispositius estacionals: Operació estiu, Dispositiu Nadal, inici curs escolar, etc
Inspeccions: joguines, aliments en mal estat, pirotècnia, etc
Vigilància activa a carrers i espais verds
Intervencions de repressió del delicte (detenir i custodiar persones, cercar i protegir proves de delictes, etc)
Seguretat viària
Intervencions accidents de trànsit
Regulació moviments i estacionaments via pública
Programa de formació en seguretat viària laboral
Controls alcoholèmies i drogotests
Consells conductors (bicicleta, cotxe, moto) i vianants
Consells mobilitat gent gran
Proximitat i Convivència
Trobades amb la ciutadania
Policia de Barri
Programa ‘A prop teu’ (gent gran)
Servei d’Educació per a la Seguretat
Projecte Joves i Autoritat
Policia assistencial (persones ferides, persones extraviades, persones malaltes, etc)
Tinença responsable d’animals de companyia
Control d’apartaments turístics
Coordinació d’obres
Gestió de troballes
Intervencions mal ús de l’entorn urbà
Suport a altres institucions quan sol·liciten col·laboració en alguna fase d'un procediment aliè