05/03/2025 - 12:05 h

Traffic restrictions for demonstrations on 8M

Safety and prevention. Disruptions on Saturday from 4.45 pm onwards.

03/03/2025 - 06:00 h

Road closures for Sant Medir

Safety and prevention. Disruptions on Monday, 3 March.

Persones accedint al recinte del Mobile World Congress
28/02/2025 - 10:14 h

Security and mobility operation for the Mobile World Congress

Safety and prevention. The mobile phone congress is being held from 3 to 6 March.

Front and lateral part of a Barcelona bus
27/02/2025 - 16:14 h

Pilot project with AI to improve the speed of urban bus services

Mobility. Four buses operating on the H12 and D20 routes have been fitted with a camera system to detect vehicles committing infringements in bus lanes.

27/02/2025 - 15:08 h

Recognition for the City Police in the use of technology in conflict management

Safety and prevention. The accolade was awarded by the Universal Security & Emergency Channel (USEC).

27/02/2025 - 11:23 h

Police break up an organisation providing fake goods

Safety and prevention. Products with an overall value of more than two million euros were confiscated.

27/02/2025 - 08:10 h

City Police to step up breathalyser and drug-driving tests

Safety and prevention. The operation starts today and will run until 5 March.

26/02/2025 - 13:10 h

Changes to mobility for the Unirun

Safety and prevention. The changes will apply during the morning of Sunday, 2 March.

26/02/2025 - 09:57 h

The City Police share knowledge on gender equality

Safety and prevention. The police corps took part in a meeting about women and security.

Image of C/ Urgell closed for work on the FGC. Julia Arnau
21/02/2025 - 12:47 h

New mobility changes on Calle del Comte d'Urgell due to the L8 extension works

Mobility and transport. From 23 February, the street between Plaza de Francesc Macià and Calle de Buenos Aires will be closed to traffic for one year.