The Guàrdia Urbana police have launched a week-long campaign for controlling lorries and vans, with a twofold objective: ensuring these goods-transport vehicles have the appropriate authorization and verifying they keep to not just the general traffic rules but also all the other documentary, administrative and technical rules they are subject to.
Lorries and vans used for transporting goods have different features from passenger cars. Hence the importance of campaigns such as this for controlling the circulation of such vehicles by paying special attention to aspects including speeds, possible excessive weight and the applicable regulations too.
The Guàrdia Urbana [city police] will be acting against traffic violations relating to lack authorising documents and anything that may pose a danger to all other users. Officers will also play a role in detecting possible technical defects and unauthorised alterations to vehicles and thereby proceed to check their roadworthiness certificates.
Theis control campaign will be active throughout the city, although special emphasis will be put on thoroughfares such as the Ronda de Dalt, the Ronda del Litoral and the Ronda del Mig bypasses.