The City Police are conducting a new campaign from today until Sunday, 14 May, to improve passive safety in driving. The goal is to reduce the number of road accident victims and the severity of injuries sustained.
The campaign will focus on the incorrect use or failure to use passive safety elements: seatbelts, child-restraint systems and helmets.
With seatbelts, the police will be checking to see if drivers and all passengers wear them, with any infringements being denounced once a further check on the correct condition of belts is made.
With motorbikes and mopeds, riders will be denounced for not using safety-certified helmets or for using them incorrectly, with bikes to be immobilised if riders are not wearing a helmet at all. These checks also apply to quads.
Riders should remember that the responsible use of helmets by passengers is always the responsibility of the person driving or riding the vehicle.
In the case of child restraint systems, checks will be made to ensure that children shorter than 135 centimetres use a certified system which complies with the current regulations.
Finally, the police will also be denouncing infringements relating to driver and vehicle documentation.
The campaign is part of the programmed planning and coordination between the Catalan Traffic Service, local police corps and regional traffic areas supervised by Catalonia’s Mossos d’Esquadra police corps.