Over 16,000 inspections in the first two months of the Pla Endreça

07/09/2023 - 17:17 h

Urban planning and infrastructures. The cleaning service has also been bolstered and more fines handed out for anti-social behaviour.

The process has so far detected 269 cases of non-compliance by the companies awarded the cleaning contract, with compensation claims to be made for 294,000 euros. The service for cleaning and maintaining greenery in public space has been bolstered and a hundred additional City Police officers put on the streets, leading to more fines for anti-social behaviour.

A hundred people have been monitoring the companies awarded cleaning contracts to ensure they provide services correctly. The main cases of non-compliance correspond to absent teams, changes in the treatment of cleaning, staffing levels falling short and plus overflowing waste containers.

Infringements in the management of waste from commercial establishments have also been detected.

Quality public space

The boost to the cleaning service includes more staff, with 66 teams and 105 workers in all; more efforts to eliminate graffiti, working on surfaces totalling 39,000 square metres, plus an extra cleaning plough every day at the beaches.

Maintenance work has also been carried out on 34,000 sqaure metres of paving.

Manual watering has been increased to mitigate the effects the drought has had on greenery, with checks also made on 18,500 tree beds (56% more than last summer) and garden tubs renewed in areas around schools.

More officers on the streets to ensure social harmony

The additional hundred City Police officers on the streets every day has led to an increase in fines for anti-social behaviour, with figures higher than in July and August last year:

  • Alcohol consumption: up by 36%.
  • Urinating or defecating in public: up by 19%.
  • Graffiti: up by 96%.
  • Leaving litter in the street: up by 24%.

The first stage of the #PlaEndreça will run until October, with work in parks and gardens and green spaces, monitoring tasks in public spacse and more information in the neighbourhoods.

Incidents can be reported by calling 010, on the website or using the “Barcelona a la butxaca” app.