The 10 km run starts and finishes in Av. Reina Maria Cristina. The main disruptions to mobility will be between 6.15 am and 1.15 pm.
During the run, from 8.30 am to 10.30 am, traffic will be prohibited from circulating in all the streets making up the route:
Av. Reina Maria Cristina – Pl. Espanya – Av. Paral·lel – C/ Calàbria – Gran Via Corts Catalanes – Pl. Tetuan – Pg. Sant Joan – Pg. Lluís Companys – C/ Buenaventura Muñoz – C/ Roger de Flor – Pg. Pujades – Pg. Lluís Companys (central section) – Rda. Sant Pere – Pl. Catalunya – Rda. Universitat – Pl. Universitat – Rda. Sant Antoni – C/ Sepúlveda – C/ Viladomat – Av. Paral·lel, between Viladomat and Lleida (side nearest the Besòs) – Av. Paral·lel – Pl. Espanya – Av. Reina Maria Cristina.
Afterwards it’s time for the young people’s event, the Cursa Mercè Jove, starting at 11.30 am and ending around 1 pm. In this case the route will be:
Av. Reina Maria Cristina, Av. Rius i Taulet as far as C/ Mèxic, trun into Av. Rius i Taulet as far as C/ Guàrdia Urbana and onto the finish line in Av. Reina Maria Cristina.
Vehicles are prohibited from circulating in Av. Reina Maria Cristina from 3 pm on Saturday, 16 September.
On the day of the run, traffic heading up Av. Paral·lel and along Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes between Calàbria and Entença will be diverted.
Parking prohibition
Parking will be prohibited (including motorcycles on pavements) as follows:
From 8 pm on Friday, 15, to 2 am on Tuesday, 26 (relating to other activities for La Mercè), on both sides of Av. Reina Maria Cristina.
From 6 am on Saturday, 16, to 3 pm on Sunday, 17, in Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, from the access road to the Mies van der Rohe to Av. Reina Maria Cristina.
From 2 pm on Saturday, 16, to 1 pm on Sunday, 17, in:
- C/ Buenaventura Muñoz (side nearest the sea), from Pg. Lluís Companys to C/ Roger de Flor.
- C/ Buenaventura Muñoz – C/ Roger de Flor (corner nearest the sea and the Llobregat).
- C/ Roger de Flor (side nearest the Llobregat), from C/ Buenaventura Muñoz to Pg. Pujades.
- C/ Sepúlveda – C/ Viladomat (side nearest the sea and the Besòs).
Any vehicles which remain parked around the route, despite the signage in place, may be towed away.
People with functional diversity (those registered for the inclusive category will join the main race for the last 2 km) will be able to park in C/ Lleida, on the side nearest the Llobregat, from Av. Rius i Taulet as far as C/ Joaquim Blume.
Prohibition on moving vehicles
Vehicles which remain parked, despite signage and the measures adopted, in streets on the route where parking has not been expressly prohibited, will be immobilised to prevent them being moved during the event.
Vehicles parked in streets where the usual traffic direction is to be reversed will also be cordoned off.
Public transport
Affected bus services to be diverted or have their routes limited are:
D20, D50, H12, H14, H16, V9, V11, V13, V15, V17, V19, 6, 7, 13, 19, 21, 22, 24, 39, 46, 47, 54, 55, 59, 63, 65, 67, 79, 120, 121, 150 and Barcelona Bus Turístic.
Bicing stations around the route of the event will be out of use.
How to get to the Barça match on Saturday (Olympic Stadium)
As vehicles will not be able to circulate in Av. Reina Maria Cristin from 3 pm, those wishes to get to the stadium with vehicles are recommended to use C/ Foc and Av. Miramar (and if necessary, using C/ Lleida and C/ Mèxic).
TMB shuttle buses for fans will be in operation. The service will start two hours before kick-off and operate until 90 minutes after the match ends.