The run is on Sunday, 5 November, starting very close to the junction between C/ Sants and Rambla del Brasil. The main disruptions to mobility will be between 8.30 am and 12 noon, mainly in the district of Sants-Montjuïc.
The route for the 10 km run is as follows: C/ Sants, C/ Munné, Av. Madrid, Rambla Brasil, Rambla Badal (side nearest the Llobregat), C/ Pavía, Rambla Badal (side nearest the Besòs), Rambla Brasil, Av. Madrid, C/ Joan Güell, Pl. Sants, Pg. Sant Antoni, C/ Galileu, Av. Madrid, C/ Berlín, C/ Numància, C/ Viriat, C/ Dolors Batlle, C/ Puiggarí, C/ Vallespir, Pg. Sant Antoni, C/ Sants, C/ Creu Coberta as far as C/ Béjar (180º turn), C/ Creu Coberta, C/ Sants, C/ Munné, Av. Madrid, C/ Jaume Roig, C/ Sants and arrival in the central section of Rambla Brasil.
Altogether the event affects 9 bus services, which will see their routes limited or altered while the run is being held. These are: D20, H10, V5, V7, 27, 54, 78, 109 and 115. TMB recommends using the metro as an alternative means of transport.
For more information, check the corresponding alert in the service status section on the TMB website or the official website for the event.