Awards for three districts for keeping traffic fatalities to zero in 2020

17/12/2021 - 08:00 h

Safety and prevention. The three districts are Sants-Montjuïc, Ciutat Vella and Sarrià - Sant Gervasi.

The three city districts of Sants-Montjuïc, Ciutat Vella and Sarrià - Sant Gervasi will today receive awards for achieving zero traffic fatalities in 2020. The awards recognise the municipal commitment to driving down accident figures and achieving a safer and more sustainable city.

The awards are given by the Association of Traffic Engineers and Mobility Specialists, in collaboration with the Smart Mobility Forum, which every year recognises municipalities or districts of over 100,000 inhabitants with no traffic deaths.

The districts recognised are not the only ones without victims though. Les Corts also achieved zero deaths but is not on the list of recognised districts as its population is below 100,000 inhabitants.

Commitment to road safety by the City Police

In line with EU road safety policies, the specific long-term goals which the City Police are working towards are to reduce traffic deaths by 50% between now and 2030 and stick to the vision of achieving zero by 2050. The aim is to get to zero deaths and serious injuries within 30 years.

In this respect, the goal of the Road Safety Plan 2019-2022, put together by the police corps, is to continue working to calm traffic and benefit coexistence. This means moving forward to achieve a balanced use of public space, plus respect for traffic regulations and speed limits.

To achieve this, the City Police Traffic Division and all units which answer to it engage in numerous actions directly geared towards cutting accident figures in the city. These include:

  • Analysis of the most serious accidents and trends in accidents, the goal being to take preventive measures so that these are not repeated.
  • Analysis and supervision in spaces and roads from the perspective of road safety, to minimise risks there.