The City Police are running a new campaign all this week to combat distractions when driving and a lack of respect for traffic lights, particularly at pedestrian crossings. The goal of the new campaign is to boost road safety, cut the number of traffic accidents and the volume and severity of injuries.
Distractions at the wheel or when riding motorcycles fare one of the main causes of accidents. The use of mobile phones, devices and headphones is firmly established in society, and many are not sufficiently aware of the risks these can pose when driving. The lack of respect for traffic lights is another of the main causes of accidents.
Because of this, the City Police will be correcting infringements such as a lack of concentration when driving or the use of mobile phones or any other means of communication, plus a lack of respect for traffic lights and pedestrian priority.
Planned and coordinated by the Catalan Traffic Service (SCT) with local police and the Mossos d’Equadra corps, the campaign forms part of the Local Road Safety Plan 2019-2022 and the Urban Mobility Plan 2010-2024.