Construction work begins on the Passeig de Maragall bicycle lane

08/02/2023 - 07:07 h

Infrastructure. Work is starting on the introduction of a bicycle lane in Passeig Maragall (between Carrer Conca and Plaça de Maragall), on Carrer de Freser (between Independència and Passeig de Maragall) and Carrer de Rosselló (between Olesa and Castillejos).

The project also widens the pavement on Carrer de Freser (between Carrer de la Independència and Passeig de Maragall) and reorganises the crossroads between the streets Conca and Còrsega. The work is scheduled to take place from 06/02 to 06/07/2023, and it will be divided firstly into interventions on streets affected by the work, and subsequently the installation of the bicycle lane itself. 

Construction work begins on introducing a bicycle lane in Passeig de Maragall (between Carrer Conca and Plaça de Maragall), Carrer de Freser (between Independència and Passeig de Maragall) and Carrer de Rosselló (between Olesa and Castillejos).

This is the first section of the Passeig de Maragall bicycle lane, which will link up with the lanes on the streets of Indústria, Sant Antoni Maria Claret, Teodor Llorente and Olesa.

The work will be carried out:

– On Carrer de Rosselló: installation of the new bicycle lane on the mountainward side, currently occupied by the services cordon.

– ON Carrer de Freser: widening of the seaward pavement to a width of 2.15 m, leaving a single 3.5 m traffic lane and a segregated bicycle lane, 2 m wide.

– On Passeig de Maragall: installation of segregated, one-way bicycle lanes on each side of the roadway (next to the pavement) for each direction of traffic.

The work is scheduled to take place from 06/02 to 06/07/2023, and it will be divided firstly into interventions on streets affected by the work, and subsequently the installation of the bicycle lane itself.

Redevelopment of Carrer de Freser (between Independència and Conca): from 06/02 to 06/04/2023

Redevelopment work consisting of widening the pavement on the seaward side of the street, all along the affected section.

The construction work will occupy all the seaward side pavement and the adjacent services cordon, with a pedestrian itinerary provided on the roadway. There will still be one 3.5 m traffic lane for vehicles.

The roadway pedestrian itinerary will be 0.9 m wide (like the existing pavement) and will be separated from vehicle traffic by concrete New Jersey barriers along its entire length. The work area will be separated from pedestrians by a temporary yellow construction-work fence.

Access to driveways and dwellings will be done by halves, with metal plates and/or walkways. Pedestrian crossings on the street will also be affected by halves, leaving a useful width of 1.80 m free of obstacles for crossing.

Redevelopment of the Conca – Còrsega – Freser crossroads: from 06/02 to 08/05/2023,

The work on this crossroads consists of reorganising the traffic section of:

– Carrer de Còrsega, introducing a section of one traffic lane, plus a services cordon on both sides (seaward and mountainward) and a bicycle lane on the mountainward side, next to the new pavement.

– Carrer Freser, introducing a section of one traffic lane with a bicycle lane on the seaward side.

– Carrer Conca, introducing a new alignment of pavements between Passeig Maragall and Còrsega, implementing a raised platform on all the mountainward side of the crossroads, turning it into a pedestrian area.

A semi-square will also be created at the crossroads between the streets, where there will be a new alignment of street lights, a new sewer system and rainwater collection grilles, a new alignment of street trees and the installation of urban furniture. The central traffic island of the crossroads will be removed, eliminating the left turn from Carrer Freser. Lastly, there will be a change in traffic direction on Carrer Conca to seaward, between Independència and Còrsega.

Redevelopment of the Carrer Rosselló – Carrer Freser crossroads: from 03/04 to 28/04/2023

There will be a pavement to the crossroads between the streets of Rosselló and Freser. The construction work will occupy all of Carrer Freser and the projection of the Carrer Rosselló services cordon. Carrer Freser will need to be closed to traffic, at the crossroads with Rosselló, and vehicles will detour via Rosselló – Independència – Freser (towards the Llobregat) – Exit via Ptge Còrsega, on the mountainward side, to Còrsega.

The last section of Carrer Freser will end in a cul-de-sac, between the private car park and Ptge. Còrsega, and it will be necessary to change the direction of traffic (towards the Llobregat) in the Freser section, between Ptge. Còrsega. The pedestrian crossing on Rosselló will be maintained, and it will be affected by halves, leaving a minimum width of 1.80 m free of obstacles.

Bicycle lane agglomerate. 

Pending the definition of data and means of implementation during a future Works Committee meeting. The general conditions are as follows:

It will be necessary to close Carrer Freser to traffic, and this will be during working days from 9:30 am onwards.

Work on Carrer Rosselló must be done while maintaining two lanes and services, on working days from 9.30 onwards.

The agglomerate on the Conca and Freser crossroads will be done while maintaining 1 lane + 1 lane from 9:30 am onwards.

The uphill section on Pg. Maragall will be done while occupying the services cordon and one lane.  Before Carrer Indústria, this can be carried out on working days at off-peak times. Between Indústria and Plaça Maragall, 1 lane will be maintained, and it must be carried out on Saturdays and Sundays.

The downhill section will be done while maintaining 1 lane, and it must be carried out on Saturdays and Sundays.