Operation to avoid distractions while riding or driving

08/04/2024 - 07:40 h

Safety and prevention. The main direct cause of accidents in 2023 was a lack of concentration while riding or driving.

The City Police are stepping up their efforts to combat driving offences linked to a lack of concentration while driving or riding vehicles, the inappropriate use of mobile phones and any other device and not respecting traffic lights and pedestrian priority. The campaign will run until Sunday, 14 April.

Distractions while driving or riding vehicles constitute one of the main causes of accidents. The use of social media and other mobile apps, as well as the use of headphones, forms part of our everyday life, but we must be aware of the risks this poses when it comes to driving. According to the latest accident figures, the main direct cause of accidents in 2023 was a lack of concentration when riding or driving, and with pedestrians, not respecting traffic lights.

Because of this, a specific round-the-clock citywide campaign is being activated this week. The campaign is being coordinated and planned by the Catalan Traffic Service and the Mossos d’Esquadra police corps.

It is also worth remembering that the use of headphones and mobile phones is not allowed when riding bicycles, cycles or any other type of personal mobility vehicles. For more detailed information on the regulations go to the Safe Mobility website.

Road accident victims can be avoided, but we need gain awareness so that all parties get more involved to reach the goals of halving the number of serious injuries and fatalities, as set out in the Road Safety Strategy 2030, with a view to achieving zero road fatalities by 2050.