Barcelona City Council is organising the first competitive exams in the process to recruit 241 new officers for the City Police. In all, 4,018 people will be taking part in the exams at Fira de l’Hospitalet.
The competitive exams for the 241 available places start tomorrow.
Barcelona City Council is holding the first competitive exams on Saturday, 28 May, to recruit 241 new officers for the City Police. In all, 4,018 people will be taking part in the exams at Fira de l’Hospitalet.
In terms of women’s presence in the corps, this new recruitment process keeps the requisites from the previous one to increase the number of women officers. A third of the applicants in this process are women. The City Police was the first security corps to introduce a quota of 40% women.
The main new aspect to this recruitment process is that candidates who pass the whole process and finish in the top 241 places will join the City Police in two different intakes, one in 2022 and the other in 2023.
Saturday’s exams consist of an aptitude test, a psychological test and others in culture and current affairs, topic-specific materials and languages. This is the first time that a broader range of foreign languages have been added for candidates to take exams in: previously, foreign languages had to be English, Arabic, Urdu or Chinese, but these have now been joined by German, French and Italian.
This latest recruitment call means that 1,000 places will have been offered in this term of office, bringing the City Police up to a strength of 3,500 officers, in line with the municipal government’s commitment for the current term. This new process is the biggest recruitment procedure ever organised.