A member of the Barcelona police corps takes part in one of the work modules for this project, the goal of which is to improve readiness and security in places of worships and large religious gatherings.
The aim of the work module is to develop the following elements:
- A technological platform that identifies weak points, offers recommendations to mitigate them and indicates specific threat scenarios in religious places.
- Interactive and inclusive communication channels that involve private and public stakeholders, religious congregations and the general public.
- An awareness campaign on security as part of a European communication strategy.
- Skills-acquisition programmes and permanent cooperation space between public order forces, religious authorities, local communities and private security organisations. Organisations from eight countries are currently involved, including different units from the City Police.
Practical workshops, meetings and visits have been conducted in Fürstenfeldbruck, just outside Munich, where Germany’s Public Police School is located, within the Civil Service University of Bavaria.
This is the fourth working meeting to be held, the last one having been held in Barcelona and the previous ones in Brussels and Greece.
The project is due to end in April 2025. Public and private bodies from eight countries are involved, including the City Police, the Mossos d’Esquadra corps, the Spanish Civil Guard and the National Police.