International Archives Week is from 3 to 12 June

06/05/2024 - 12:02 h

Culture and free time. The Barcelona Municipal Archive is organising activities such as tours, open days, exhibitions and talks.

On the occasion of International Archives Day, held annually on 9 June, the Barcelona Municipal Archive (AMB) is organising a week of activities to explain the role of these facilities in promoting administrative transparency, the preservation of historical memory and the protection of people’s righto to access information and knowledge.

International Archives Day is held all around the world and coincides with the founding of the UNESCO International Council on Archives, on 9 June 1948.

During International Archives Week, the Barcelona Municipal Archive is organising various cultural activities to introduce everybody to Barcelona’s documentary heritage and the professionals that look after and manage it.

The programme is being organised at several city documentary archives: the Historical Archive, the Contemporary Archive, the Photography Archive and the District Archives of Sarrià – Sant Gervasi, Les Corts, Sants-Montjuïc, Sant Andreu, Gràcia and Nou Barris, as well as the consortium for L’Auditori and L’Orquestra.

Activities from 3 to 9 June

Monday, 3 June, 2024:

  • Tour of the district archive in Les Corts and consultation of the Fons Societat Coral l’Espiga de Les Corts (limited places, advance registration needed)
  • Speech and exhibition: 1984-2024, the Barcelona of the 10 districts: new territorial and administrative distribution of the city (limited places, advance registration needed)

Tuesday, 4 June, 2024:

  • Tour of the district archive in Sant Andreu (limited places, advance registration needed)
  • Inauguration of the exhibition “Documents of the Contemporary Barcelona” (free admission)

Wednesday, 5 June, 2024:

  • Tour of the district archive in Nou Barris and documentary consultation about the 40 years since the creation of the district (limited places, advance registration needed)
  • Talk between archivists and users (limited places, advance registration needed)
  • Inauguration of the installation “INTRAMURS: The time inhabited by the Archive” (free admission)

Thursday, 6 June, 2024:

  • Tour of the district archive in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi (limited places, advance registration needed)
  • Tour of the exhibition marking 25 years of L’Auditori and the Museu de la Música (limited places, advance registration needed)
  • Author’s route: “Transport and the city: parallel growth” (limited places, advance registration needed)

Friday, 7 June, 2024:

  • Tour of the district archive in Gràcia and documentary consultation about the centenary of the Barcelona metro (places limited, advance registration needed)

Monday, 10 June, 2024:

  • Workshop: Ordering our digital archive. Workshop on good practice in organising our personal documentation (limited places, advance registration needed)

Wednesday, 12 June, 2024:

  • Inauguration of the exhibition “Family, friends and photography. Household photography environment” (free admission)