The City Police Museum re-opens

27/05/2021 - 12:10 h

Safety and prevention. The museum is in housed in the ground floor of the police headquarters and features an important collection of items relating to Barcelona’s police corps.

The museum opens from Mondays to Fridays, from 10 am to 2 pm, offering free guided tours by appointment.

As from this week it’s possible again to visit the Museu de la Guàrdia Urbana (City Police Museum), which is housed in the ground floor of the police headquarters at C/ Guàrdia Urbana, 3.

Inaugurated in 2002, the museum features an important collection of objects relating to Barcelona’s police corps:

  • Examples of the various uniforms that have been used during the history of the corps, from the first model of clothing used in 1843 to the latest from 2017, including all those of the Mounted Unit, uniforms from the motorised section from the 1960s and 2000s, the entire uniform and equipment of a night watchman from the 1950s and more.
  • Historical vehicles displayed include a Harley motorcycle from 1929 (the first vehicle used by officers to mark the 1929 Barcelona International Exposition), a 250 cc Sanglas motorcycle with a 1953 number plate and a Honda Paneuropean from 2007.
  • The collection features all the identity card templates for the corps from the 1920s to the present day, as well as administrative documents stretching back over half a century.
  • The photography collection from the Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat and individual donations from family members of former officers, with images dating back to the year 1900.
  • A variety of small items making up the museum’s sentimental collection.

The museum is open to the general public, schools, associations etc. Anybody wishing to visit should book in advance by phone, on 932 915 021, or by email, to