The City Police take part in a European webinar on nightlife

03/03/2021 - 15:36 h

Safety and prevention. The police corps shared its implementation of the “We won’t keep quiet” protocol in the nightlife area on Barcelona’s seafront.

A corporal from Barcelona’s local police corps took part in a webinar for the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS), centring on nightlife, the insecurity it can cause and measures to ensure security and respect towards others in and around nightlife spots.


The session addressed various strategies from innovative initiatives on nightlife and how to prevent drug abuse, alcohol abuse and sexual aggressions through specific measures.

The session shared the experiences of the city councils of Barcelona, Budapest and Liege. In Barcelona’s case, the City police explained their work along the seafront in the city to combat sexual harassment and aggressions. Another participant in the session was the Catalan Federation of Associations for Hospitality and Musical Activities (FECASARM), one of organisations involved in this project.

The session was organised by the European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS), the only European network devoted to urban security, made up of 250 local and regional authorities from 16 countries, including the City Council.

Barcelona’s seafront

Barcelona City Council launched a strategy in 2018 to guarantee the safety of customers and local residents in nightlife areas with regard to sexual harassment. The result was the protocol “We won’t keep quiet”.

The City Police also designated the area around the Olympic Port as a priority location for maintaining security at night in the city. The main goal was for the protocol to help with the prevention and reduction of cases of insecurity.

The plan was implemented with the joint responsibility of business owners with nightspots (FECALON, FECASARM, Barcelona Discotheques Guild), private security firms, Barcelona Restaurant Guild, the Mossos d’Esquadra police corps, the Seafront Association, Port Olímpic de Barcelona SA and various municipal areas (the Fire Prevention, Extinction and Rescue Service and the Councillor’s Office for Feminism etc.).

The basic idea was for venue staff to be aware and trained with regard to sexual harassment and aggressions and how to respond in such cases:

  • Private security workers were trained with regard to detecting different types of sexual assault and harassment.
  • A protocol was designed for clubs so that all staff could respond to sexual harassment. The protocol includes rules and procedures for expelling people from premises in the case of sexual violence.
  • Surveillance spaces were created in particularly dark parts of nightclubs.
  • Support was given to protect social workers so that possible cases of sexual exploitation could be detected.

The strategy went on hold with the arrival of Covid-19 and many of the business at the seafront have since closed down.