
Barcelona LGBTI Centre is a place for meeting, thinking and highlighting issues related to sexual and gender diversity in the city of Barcelona.

Complementing the activities promoted by the local associations, the LGBTI Centre organises several programmes focused on the support of LGBTI creators, the dissemination of LGBTI rights and the support of communal or volunteering initiatives.

Cultural and Artistic Promotion

The LGBTI Centre organises its own programme of cultural and artistic of activities, complementing those staged by LGBTI associations in the city.

The purpose of this programme is to promote cultural and artistic creativity in the LGBTI world, particularly highlighting thematic areas that are less present in the social and cultural activities organised by the various associations.

Among other activities, Barcelona LGBTI Centre organises temporary exhibitions, seasons of talks, lectures and debates, performing arts productions, film showings, book clubs, etc.

Promotion of Rights

A specific area of the LGBTI Centre’s cultural activity focuses on promoting the rights of LGBTI people.

The purpose is to contribute to raising awareness and promoting the rights established in Law 11/2014 through informative and educational means aimed at all citizens.


The LGBTI Centre provides a meeting-point for all individuals and groups interested in obtaining first-hand knowledge about different issues concerning the LGBTI community and sexual and gender diversity. To this end, the Centre organises a programme of non-formal training on LGBTI issues, aimed at raising awareness among organisations and groups that work with children, teenagers and young people.

The Centre also trains people who take part in volunteer projects linked to different associations, and provides information about courses offered by the main LGBTI organisations in Barcelona.

Community Action

The LGBTI Centre is a living, open, inclusive facility that is closely connected to both the Sant Antoni neighbourhood and the rest of the city.

That is why activities are also organised to raise awareness about the Centre and its services among local residents, schools, old people's homes, community centres, local bodies, etc. The Centre also promotes and supports community activities that take place in both the neighbourhood and city as a whole. 

Associations and Volunteering

Barcelona LGBTI Centre is, in itself, a space for meeting and exchanges among all the organisations that form the Barcelona LGBTI community. Besides providing spaces where LGBTI associations can organise activities, the Centre also fosters relations between these and associations in the neighbourhood, which can also use its facilities.

The LGBTI Centre Volunteer Programme aspires to become a reference point for all those interested in becoming involved and taking part in the projects organised by LGBTI organisations.

Annual Conference

Every year, the LGBTI Centre organises a conference on a topical issue or theme of interest to the LGBTI community aimed at stimulating thought and debate about sexual and gender diversity.

The purpose of this conference is to strengthen relations between the Centre and other similar facilities, sharing experiences and raising awareness about emerging themes and new approaches.

The conference also provides an opportunity to share knowledge with other networks, both national and international, and to establish a meeting-point for networks that Barcelona City Council and organisations in the city are members of.