Municipal Strategy against loneliness 2020-2030

The municipal strategy against loneliness of the Barcelona City Council (2020-2030) works on 4 strategic lines ¡: 1) Raise awareness and generate knowledge about the impact of loneliness in the city and the welfare of the people who live there; 2) deploy resources and services to prevent, detect and address situations of loneliness; 3) restructure the city and its areas in community spaces to address situations of loneliness; and 4) adapt the functioning of the municipal organization to the new challenges posed by loneliness. 

DATA 2021 of the Action Plan 2020-2024

The Plan contains 71 actions

13 completed (17.8%)
53 initiated (72.6%)
4 not started (5.5%)
1 new (1.4%)
The actions initiated or completed as of 31/12/2021 represent more than 80% of the total. 


Further information:
Web "Barcelona against loneliness" (in Spanish)

Municipal Strategy Against Loneliness 2020–2030

Last updated on: October 2023

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