Vincles BCN
Vincles BCN is a service that combats loneliness by strengthening the social ties of elderly people who feel lonely and improving their well-being with the aid of new technologies. With Vincles BCN, users can manage their social relationships using a simple tablet or smartphone application as a communication tool. The app makes it possible for users to communicate with their families and friends, as well as with other people in Vincles BCN groups. The communication is in either text message, photograph or video format.
The first pilot test was carried out in the neighbourhoods of Sant Martí and Eixample in 2017.
In 2018, it was extended to cover the whole city, reaching 1,000 users.
In 2019, two types of users were established: A and B. A users were given a tablet with an internet connection on loan, while B users had the app installed on their device, but they paid for their internet connection themselves. The tablet allowed users to connect to the internet freely (until that point, it could only be used for the Vincles BCN service). The number of users reached 2,000.
In 2020, during the pandemic, the health channel, Guàrdia Urbana city police channel and support channel were created. Virtual talks/meetings started to be offered. When the situation started to improve, and the health authorities allowed it, a gradual return to in-person meetings took place. Some 3,000 users were reached.
In 2021, elderly people with hearing disabilities were incorporated into the service. A facilitator who knew sign language started the project.
Further information:
Last updated on: November 2023
Start year
Planned completion date
Ongoing service