For healthier and more productive schedules in organizations.
On June 13, 2019, within the framework of BizBarcelona, the activity "For healthier and more productive schedules in organizations" took place. It aimed to introduce different tools for better time management, specifically the "Guidelines for more productive and healthier schedules." These guidelines aim to support advisory services on working hour reforms, as well as showcase the best practices of two participating companies.
Emilia Pallàs, Executive Director of Proximity Socioeconomic Development, presented the progress of the Time Pact of Barcelona and the development of the NUST Network (New Social Uses of Time). Measures such as the guide "How to develop a plan promoting a healthier, more equitable, and efficient time organization," the training program for companies on working hour reforms, the pilot test of the "Company to Company" mentoring service, and the 15 measures of Barcelona Activa to advance working hour reforms were highlighted.
Xavier Peralta also presented the "Guidelines for more productive and healthier schedules - Support for advisory services on working hour reforms." This tool aims to assist companies and organizations that want to retain talent while being more effective. The need to move towards goal-oriented work was emphasized in order to achieve organizations with healthier schedules for workers while also being more efficient.
Finally, Margarita Miralles, Head of Human Development at Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat, and Laura Zapata, Manager of Diversity and Labor Relations at RACC, presented their best practices in time management within their organizations.
Ferrocarrils highlighted measures such as allowing workers to exchange shifts with colleagues of the same rank. On the other hand, RACC emphasized the possibility of telecommuting for personnel in road service and healthcare to promote work-life balance, especially during peak demand periods coinciding with school holidays.