Public time policies

Government of Catalonia: Strategic Plan for Uses and Management of Time in Everyday Life 2008-2018

Area: Europe 
Subject: Family - Timetables - Equality 
The Social Welfare and Family Ministry promotes a future-looking plan whose objective is to improve people's quality of life through changes to social structures that enable better management of time. The plan embraces several lines of action and includes specific programmes for families with children from 0 to 3 years and companies aimed at achieving a more equal distribution of tasks in the home.

Municipal plan for the equality of real and effective opportunities between women and men (2012-2015)

Size: 970,951 Kb
Language: Catalán
Area: Barcelona
Subject: Conciliation – Equality - Use of the Time
Author: Town Council of Barcelona, 2012
Sheet of route of the town council to guarantee the rights, promotion and equality opportunities of the women. The document picks up the legal frame to national and international level, the frame of municipal competences and the municipal resources and policies.

Concilia Plan

Language: Spanish
Area: Europe 
Subject: Equality 
In 2006, the Spanish Ministry for Public Administration launched a plan whose objective is to promote work/life balance amongst civil servants. The plan takes into consideration such subjects as flexi-time working, paternity and maternity leave, compact working hours and other issues that can help to ensure that work time is used more efficiently.

Family policy and community development

Area: Euskadi 
Subject: Conciliation - Social Responsibility 
Web resources and policies implemented in the Basque country in order to promote parity and family reconciliation in the territory. A month of legislative issues, the web together a compilation of good practices and provides self-diagnostic tools for business.

Terrassa City Council: Programme for Uses of Time

Area: Europe 
Subject: Family - Timetables - Equality - Urban Planning 
The objective of the strategic plan that this local authority implemented from 2008 to 2010 was to design a model for a city that takes people's needs regarding time into account and establishes a corporate strategy that coordinates policies relating to the organisation of work, services, times and planning in the city.

Guía de maternidad/paternidad y conciliación de la vida personal, laboral y familiar [Guide of motherhood/paternity and conciliation of the personal, work and family life]

Area: Navarra/Spain 
Subject: Conciliation – Equality - Use of the Time
Author: Town Council of Tudela, 2013 
Guide of public resources for the conciliation of the family life. It picks up, laws and help to autonomic and national level, of regulations.

Barcelona Provincial Government, Network of Cities and Towns for New Uses of Time

Area: Barcelona province
Subject: Work
Established by Barcelona Provincial Government's Area for Equality and Citizenship, this network seeks to provide a forum for thought and discussion about local policies concerning time. This is, then, an arena where mayors and councillors can debate local policy with regard to strategic and cross-cutting planning for new uses of time.

Paris. Le Bureau des Temps

Area: Barcelona province
Subject: Family - Work - Timetable - Town planning 
Since it was first established, the Time Office of the City of Paris has published studies that have enabled municipal services to adapt to Parisians' rhythm of life. Based on the study carried out of their uses, the times of municipal services have been adjusted to citizens' needs.

People Innovation for Societal Change

Area: Europe 
Subject: Conciliation - Equality - Use of the Time 
Author: European Community 
European social development project that aims to explore the opportunities arising from demographic change. It works in areas as dependency, family reconciliation, inclusion and empowerment of civil society.

Plan of use of the time

Area: Province of Barcelona 
Subject: Use of the Time 
Author: Town Council of Sant Boi de Llobregat, 2011 
Plan elaborated by the Town Council with 78 political, economical and social agents and with the citizen participation. It picks up proposals for the harmonization of the work, family and personal time of the citizenship.

The Ville à mille temps [The city of the a thousand times]

Area: Europe 
Subject: Use of the time 
Author: Ville of Nantes, Nantes Mètropole, 2013 
The paper collect the initiatives promoted in the metropolitan area of Nantes to advance in the personal, family and work conciliation of the citizens times. It picks up reflections, statistical datum and initiatives.

Red de Empresas por la Conciliación [Network of Companies Conciliation]

Area: Madrid 
Subject: Conciliation – Equality - Use of the Time
Author: Town Council of Madrid Promoted
Driven by the Madrid City Council this network wants to promote the contact between companies to enhance life balance in all areas of the city. Organize an award aimed at university students and its website offers resources and publications.