Public time policies

Measures of conciliation and hourly reform. Application and opinion of the Catalan companies

Ambit: Catalonia 
Subject: Conciliation - Timetables - Work 
Author: Town Council of Barcelona and Observatory for Woman, Company and Economy of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, 2014 
Review:The study aims to determine the involvement of Catalan companies in the implementation of conciliation measures and time reform. It has been compiled from a survey of 3,000 Catalan companies comparing data from 2007 and 2014.

The management of the time of work remunerated in the context of the hourly reform

Ambit: Catalonia
Subject: Timetables - Use of time
Author: Esther Sánchez i al. CTESC-Generalitat de Catalunya, 2015 Report commissioned by the Parliament of Catalonia.
Review: Study the implementation a rationalization of the schedules that favors conciliation. It is based on the analysis of agreements and labor agreements of the private and public sectors.

International Meeting of Statisticians on the Use of Time and Public Policies

Area: World 
Subject: Schedules - Equality- Work 
This forum, promoted by the United Nations Development Fund for Women and various Latin American organisations, has taken place regularly for the last ten years. One result generated is the development of CAUTAL, a tool for planning, processing, presenting and analysing time use surveys.

III Interinstitutional Plan of Support to Families in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country

Language: Catalán
Area: Digested Basque 
Subject: Conciliation 
Author: Basque Government, 2011
Planned as government plan to the legislature, to develop guidelines governing family and reconciliation policy to boost cooperation between public authorities, social partners, family and children's organizations and educational institutions.

Public Finance and Service Consolidation Plan

Area: Barcelona province
Subject: Timetables - Equality
This plan, introduced by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha in February 2011, establishes closing times for administrative offices, ensuring that all workers adapt their working hours to those when buildings are officially open, which will be from 7 am to 5.30 pm. The objective of this measure is to improve productivity, decrease maintenance expenses and promote the life/work balance amongst workers.

Maternal employment and child socio-emotional behaviour in the United Kingdom

Ambit: Europe
Subject: Conciliation - Equality - Work
Author: Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2010
Review: Study about the impact of the make-up of the remunerated work of the mother in the development of the children. The study has treated the first year of life of the children and girls separately.