Public time policies

National Time Use Survey 2017 - Costa Rica

Ambit: Costa Rica
Subject: Family - Conciliation - Family policies - Use of time
Authorship: National Women's Institute, National University 45 and National Institute of Statistics and Censuses.
Review: The document aims to provide statistical information related to the distribution of women and men residing in Costa Rica, to make visible the gender gap in the distribution of time and thus to develop public policies that promote social co-responsibility in care and unpaid domestic work.

Study Uses of Time 2019

Ambit: Ciudad Real
Subject: Family - Conciliation - Family policies - Use of time
Authorship: Formación Integral y Servicios Empresariales SL
Review: The objective of this study is to know the uses of time of women and men in the town of Ciudad Real and districts, as well as the index on their health and measures that can be taken to promote quality of life and conciliation.

Effective time management: first things first

Ambit: Andalusia
Subject: Family - Conciliation - ICT - Family policies
Authorship: Ministry of Employment, Training and Autonomous Work
Review: Practical guide that wants to help people to effectively and efficiently manage the time we have in three different "lives": personal life, work life and family-social life.

The persistent gender inequality in the use of time in Spain

Ambit: Spain
Subject: Family - Conciliation - Family policies - Use of time
Authorship: Marc Ajenjo and Juan García Román
Review: With data from the Time Use Survey 2009-2010 (INE), the daily time that each of them dedicates to daily activities at different times in the life cycle is analyzed. 

Ladrones del tiempo

Direction: Cosima Dannoritzer
Spain, 2018
Subjects: economics, capitalism, time.
There is a new resource that everyone wants: our time. This documentary reflects on the fact that our time has become a currency of exchange and how we can claim control over this resource. If we print our boarding passes or assemble our furniture, we are saving companies a lot of money in labor costs. Who should pay for everything we do for free with our time?

The curious case of Benjamin Button

Dirección : David Fincher
EUA, 2009
Temas: vejez, el paso del tiempo, amor.
Cuenta la historia de un hombre, Benjamin Button, que nace a la edad de 80 años y rejuvenece con el paso del tiempo; una forma de transitar por la vida en sentido contrario al ciclo biológico que repercutirá en sus relaciones amorosas.


Direction: Johannes Schaaf
Italy and Germany, 1986
Subject: time, social classes.
Film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Michael Ende that tells the story of Momo, a girl who lives on the outskirts of an Italian city. There everyone has time to play and greet each other, to chat and help each other. One day, Momo realizes that everyone is starting to hurry everywhere and discovers the presence of the Gray Men, men who never stop smoking and who are stealing people's time to keep it in the Time Bank. and consume it only they.

In time

Dirección : Andrew Niccol
UEA, 2011
Temas: tiempo, clases sociales, envejecimiento.
Película futurista que presenta una sociedad en la que se ha desactivado el gen del envejecimiento. La gente deja de envejecer cuando llega a los 25 años, pero un año después de este aniversario muere de un infarto si no "gana tiempo" y no llena sus "relojes de vida". Presenta una sociedad donde el tiempo se convierte en moneda y una forma de separar a la población en clases sociales.

Groundhog day

Dirección : Harold Ramis
Estados Unidos, 1993
Temas : viajes en el tiempo, amor.
Inexplicablemente, el meteorólogo de la televisión local de Pittsburgh se atasca en el tiempo mientras cubre el Día Mundial de la Marmota y comienza a vivir el mismo día una y otra vez. Este ciclo interminable te obliga a repensar tus prioridades y tu vida.


Dirección : Denis Villeneuve
Estados Unidos, 2016
Asunto : tiempo, idioma
La llegada de doce naves alienígenas despierta el pánico entre la población. Los científicos de todo el mundo están trabajando para averiguar si los extraterrestres vienen en paz o planean atacar nuestro planeta. La filóloga, Louise Banks, se encarga de descifrar su idioma y poder comunicarse con ellos. Mientras aprende su sistema de lenguaje, Banks comienza a percibir la realidad y el concepto de tiempo de manera diferente; entendiéndolo como una construcción no lineal.

Madrid Strategy for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men 2018-2021

Area: Community of Madrid
Subject: Economy of care - Equality - Use of time - Women - Gender
Author: Ministry of Social Policies, Families, Equality and Birth of the Community of MadridThe materialization of the Government of the Community of Madrid's commitment to promote effective and real equality between women and men.

2018-2022 Gender Equality and LGTBI Plan of the Sabadell City Council

Area: Sabadell
Subject: Economy of care - Equality - Use of time - Women - Gender - LGTBI
Author: Department of Civil Rights and Gender of the City of Sabadell, 2018
Plan for the promotion of sexual, affective and gender diversity of the Sabadell City Council presents a local strategy aimed at achieving real gender equality and effective that also includes the achievement of full equality and non-discrimination towards LGTBI people.