Public time policies
Education on time. Other school schedules are possible.
Language: Spanish
Area: Spain
Authorship: Jaume Bofill Foundation and Federation of pedagogical renewal movements of Catalonia
Review: How can we move towards a healthier and more egalitarian school model? The document, based on the analysis of the impact of the current school model, the collection of expert voices and the identification of international experiences, proposes an alternative schedule that includes specific measures.
Give and Take: How Timebanking is Transforming Healthcare
Ambit: London
Subject: Time to share - Banks of the time
Author: David Boyle and Sarah Bird
Review: Set of experiences related to time banks outpatient south London that have improved the health of its members and the community in general.
Publication "Local innovations against gender inequality in employment"
Ambit: Catalunya
Subject: Gènere - Ocupació - Economia
Authorship: Coordina: Maria de la Fuente. Autores: Sara Berbel, Sara Moreno, Empar Aguado, Aida Ruiz, Mònica Gelambí, Anna Pérez Quintana, Anna Sabata, Víctor Ginesta, Iolanda Fresnillo i Maria de la Fuente Vázquez.
Review: Publicació monogràfica Ciutats i Persones de l'Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, amb la vocació d’abordar un cop més un àmbit rellevant en l’encreuament de la perspectiva de gènere i la dimensió local.
Take time into account in mobility (in French)
Ambit: France
Subject: Mobility- Conciliation - Family policies - Use of time
Authorship: Tempo Territorial and Rennes Métropole
Review: How can we understand and take into account new lifestyles to adapt the offer and transport services? How far can we act on the rhythms of life to change mobility practices?
National Time Use Survey 2017 - Costa Rica
Ambit: Costa Rica
Subject: Family - Conciliation - Family policies - Use of time
Authorship: National Women's Institute, National University 45 and National Institute of Statistics and Censuses.
Review: The document aims to provide statistical information related to the distribution of women and men residing in Costa Rica, to make visible the gender gap in the distribution of time and thus to develop public policies that promote social co-responsibility in care and unpaid domestic work.
Study Uses of Time 2019
Ambit: Ciudad Real
Subject: Family - Conciliation - Family policies - Use of time
Authorship: Formación Integral y Servicios Empresariales SL
Review: The objective of this study is to know the uses of time of women and men in the town of Ciudad Real and districts, as well as the index on their health and measures that can be taken to promote quality of life and conciliation.
Effective time management: first things first
Ambit: Andalusia
Subject: Family - Conciliation - ICT - Family policies
Authorship: Ministry of Employment, Training and Autonomous Work
Review: Practical guide that wants to help people to effectively and efficiently manage the time we have in three different "lives": personal life, work life and family-social life.
The persistent gender inequality in the use of time in Spain
Ambit: Spain
Subject: Family - Conciliation - Family policies - Use of time
Authorship: Marc Ajenjo and Juan García Román
Review: With data from the Time Use Survey 2009-2010 (INE), the daily time that each of them dedicates to daily activities at different times in the life cycle is analyzed.
Article "New images of family change in Spain"
Ambit: Spain
Topic: Family - Conciliation - ICT - Familiar policies
Authorization: Luis Ayuso Sánchez.
Review: Publication in the Spanish Journal of Sociology. The family is at the same time a laboratory where many of the social changes affecting the whole society are experienced, but also as a basic catalyst for social transformation.
'Labor situation of the foreign population in Catalonia. Foreign domestic workers. REPORT 2017 '
Ambit: Catalonia
Subject: Immigration - Economy
Review: The report has been prepared by the Center for Trade Union Studies and Research (CERES) of CCOO of Catalonia, with the collaboration of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families of the Government of Catalonia.It offers a collection of quantitative data on the foreign population in Catalonia and an analysis of its situation in the labor market. Next, he studies the work of foreign women and, more specifically, the profile of those engaged in domestic work and care. All have as their starting point the need for society to value domestic and care work, so that they improve the working and social conditions of the women who carry it out.
The 6 challenges of coworking
Ambit: Europe
Subject: Use of Time - Economy
Author: Lyon City Council, 2017
Review: The City of Lyon publishes a study on the main challenges that coworking has today. The results, based on the experience of the French city, point to issues of interest also for the reality that the sector lives in Barcelona.
Economic quantification of domestic work and care of unpaid people in Catalonia
Ambit: Catalonia
Subject: Unpaid care work
Author: Observatorio Women, Business and Economy Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and Catalan Institute of Women Based on Time Use Surveys (EUT).
Review: This study approximates the quantification of domestic work and unpaid care to give it a monetary value based on an appropriate salary for these activities.