Rtrieve the Recording of the Training Session on Time and Childhood

02/07/2024 - 14:25 h

>> The organization of time in childhood is one of the primary challenges of time policies. 

That is why the Pact of Time, in collaboration with the Institute for Childhood and Adolescence, has conducted the training session “Time and Childhood” with the aim of raising participants’ awareness about the importance of time organization and its implications for children. Additionally, it also provides practical and conceptual tools to improve time management and the balance between work and family life.

Elisa Stinus, PhD in public policies and expert in uses of time from the Institute of Childhood and Adolescence of Barcelona, along with the Technical Secretariat of the Pact of Time, led a reflection on the uses of time in childhood through a participatory dynamic. This dynamic promoted the identification of specific measures at individual, family, and institutional levels to improve time use in childhood and promote work-family balance.

Work-family balance remains a major challenge for many families. Time management is a key factor in this area, since an often long working day and family responsibilities can conflict, making it difficult to achieve a balanced distribution of time. Initiatives such as this training session are essential for raising awareness and providing useful tools that allow better time organization, which can significantly contribute to children’s well-being and families’ life quality.

The training session took place on June 4, 2024, from 3:00 PM. to 4:30 PM., and involved over 10 participating organizations, who rated the presented content very positively.

If you were unable to participate, but want to catch up on the content, you can watch the session recording at this link.