More than 70 active measures demonstrate the municipal commitment to guaranteeing the right to time

04/04/2023 - 11:36 h

The 2022 report on public time policies promoted by Barcelona City Council offers information on these policies, launched by the council

2022 was an important year for time policies in Barcelona, as the city was named World Capital of Time Policies. In March, a report was drawn up that gives details of the municipal time policy measures and which aims to show the current state of affairs, highlight the work carried out and identify the challenges to be addressed. The report demonstrates that the council is firmly committed to mainstreaming the right to time.

The 2022 report on public time policies promoted by Barcelona City Council, (Catalan language) sets out the path taken by the Barcelona City Council with regard to time policies and how the need for a cross-cutting perspective in municipal policies led to a significant change in the management of time policies, which in 2019 were taken on by the Directorate for Gender Services and Time Policies, under the Municipal Manager’s Office.

This municipal commitment is demonstrated by the city being named World Capital of Time Policies for 2022, and is also reflected in the Time Pact project, a city-wide agreement that promotes the execution of various measures to ensure people’s everyday lives and time are organised in accordance with their needs and within a collective framework of coexistence.

The document includes a detailed account of what has been done up to now in the city of Barcelona within the framework of time policies. It gives a description of the 71 municipal measures that are currently being worked on by 6 of the 8 management offices at the Barcelona City Council, which are being implemented through the various strategic areas: Time and work in companies and organisations, Time and care, Time and sustainable city, Time and health, Time and education, Time and participation, and Time and citizen services.

It is precisely within this action framework that some of the key measures developed in recent years were identified, such as the NUST Network, the programme Concilia, the Carers Card and the programme Time for you, among many other municipal policies that aim to promote a healthier, more egalitarian, efficient and sustainable life.

Finally, it identifies challenges through the contributions of various municipal organisations, such as the need to continue working on the mainstreaming of all the municipal policies, the call to ensure the intersectional perspective is incorporated into all time-related initiatives, and the promotion of work spaces for the exchange of best practices to continue making headway in improving time uses, both internally and externally.