Meeting with local people in Nou Barris on the prevention of forest fires

07/07/2021 - 12:57 h

Safety and prevention. The session can be followed live from 6.30 pm.

Most fires are caused by human activity.

Today brings the fourth information session on preventing forest fires, on this occasion with local people in Nou Barris. Recent weeks have seen talks organised in Sarrià – Sant Gervasi, Les Corts and Gràcia, coinciding with the start of the hottest months, when the risk of fire in woodlands is at its highest.

The session is at 6.30 pm and can be followed here.

The goal is to discuss the management of forest fires and the role of the Barcelona Fire Service in preventing and putting out fires. The idea is also to raise awareness among citizens about their key role in preventing fires and minimising the possible consequences.

The meeting will also detail the local self-protection plans (PAU) for the district. These plans offer details by neighbourhood of how to respond in the case of a fire so that local people know who to turn to and how to react efficiently, even how to evacuate residents should this be necessary.

The head of the fire service, Sebastià Massagué, will be attending the session, as will the head of the Operational Development Unit and the head of the Vall d’Hebron fire station.