Information session in Les Corts on the prevention of forest fires

18/07/2022 - 16:13 h

Safety and prevention. The session will offer recommendations on the prevention of forest fires and advice on how to look after the areas around our homes.

The Barcelona Fire Service is stepping up its work to disseminate information on preventing forest fires, with a new session in the district of Les Corts on Tuesday, 19 July.

The information session is being held at the Casal de l’Associació de Veïns del Barri de la Mercè at 6.15 pm. The session will offer practical recommendations on preventing forest fires and looking after the areas around our homes, along with advice on what to do if a fire occurs near our home. The forest fire campaign by the city’s firefighters began at the start of June and will run until mid-September.

Barcelona City Council has activated its municipal action plan for forest fire risks in response to the Government of Catalonia putting the Barcelonès county on level three of its Alpha Plan.

Given the current episode of very high temperatures, which come off the back of a significant drop in rainfall in recent months and generate a serious risk of forest fires, a ban is in place on any activities involving fire in recreational and camping areas, as well as housing developments belonging to Barcelona.