Tips to avoid scares when charging electric scooters at home

27/04/2023 - 11:43 h

Safety and prevention. Always use authorised batteries and ensure they are charged correctly.

The number of fires caused by charging electric personal mobility vehicles such as scooters has risen with the increase in users and the characteristics of batteries.

To avoid scares, people with electric scooters should follow these recommendations:

  • Do not interfere with or modify the battery. If a repair is needed, contact a qualified professional.
  • Do not use a charger other than the one supplied by the manufacturer.
  • Check that the battery hasn’t had any knocks.
  • Call 112 if you detect any changes in its volume or colour, or if the battery has overheated.

Users also need to check that batteries are charged properly in a safe place, away from the exit and any other evacuation route, and away from flammable items (for instance a bed).

It’s also a very good idea for charging to be carried out near a smoke detector, a simple device which sounds an alarm when it detects smoke at a very early stage of fire breaking out. This way we can act swiftly by calling 112 and adopting self-protection measures.