Fire Service exercises to act in areas without fire hydrants

11/06/2024 - 09:32 h

Safety and prevention. The exercises are being organised at the Vall d’Hebron and Sant Andreu fire stations and involve a fire engine and a Cuidem Barcelona water truck.

In readiness to act in emergency situations where there is little or no water pressure, members of the corps are organising various sessions at fire stations in coordination with municipal cleaning services.

The exercises are being held at the Vall d’Hebron and Sant Andreu fire stations, using a fire engine and a water truck belonging to municipal cleaning services. The two vehicles go to the same point, check there is an air supply for the water truck and then use it to provide water for the fire engine.

Once the truck is empty, if more water is needed the firefighters give the Cuidem Barcelona driver the location of the nearest fire hydrant. Internal training will also introduce the different models of municipal water trucks. Each exercise will last roughly two hours.

The procedure has been conceived for firefighters to intervene in industrial or forest fires, as the city’s urban layout has an extensive network of hydrants and water supplies for firefighters, which can be found on this map.