
E.g., 15/09/2024
E.g., 15/09/2024
23/01/2023 - 08:43 h

Barcelona joins the "Inspiring Cities" project aimed at raising awareness about air quality

Barcelona is now an "inspiring city": the capital of Catalonia has joined the project by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca to raise awareness about the importance of air quality in cities. Barcelona is now an "inspiring city":...

21/01/2023 - 13:13 h

Nearly 4,000 people help with the waste clearing operation at the beaches

Environment and sustainability. The Nova Icària is the beach where the most waste was found in the sea.

Assemblea Ciutadana pel Clima
19/01/2023 - 20:06 h

Proposals from members of the public to tackle the climate emergency

Climate emergency. The Citizen Climate Assembly presents some thirty measures relating to energy, mobility and consumption.

19/01/2023 - 15:51 h

Transformation of Consell de Cent under way on the side nearest the mountains

Urban planning and infrastructures. Work is under way on the side nearest the Besòs in the streets of Rocafort, Comte Borrell and Girona.

18/01/2023 - 20:47 h

Gale and rough seas alert deactivated

Safety and prevention. The Barcelona Fire Service was called out on 128 occasions to attend to gale-related incidents.

Energy transformation and the Next Generation Funds are the protagonists of the REhabilita technical conference
18/01/2023 - 15:21 h

Energy transformation and the Next Generation Funds are the protagonists of the REhabilita technical conference

Housing. The energy renovation of buildings and the boost provided by European funds will be the main points of discussion at the REhabilita technical seminar, which will take place on January 24 in an on-site and online format.

18/01/2023 - 14:37 h

Barcelona to become the first European Capital for Democracy

Participation. The programme will include events and activities between September 2023 and August 2024 to strengthen democracy in Europe.

16/01/2023 - 18:28 h

Sign up for the information session where we explain what the Parc de les Glòries will be like

Les Glòries. The City Council is organising an information session to explain the details of the new section of the Parc de les Glòries.

radar reducció de la velocitat

Foto Laura Guerrero/Ajuntament de Bcn.
15/01/2023 - 15:08 h

Speeding fines now apply from the seventeen new fixed-point cameras to reduce accidents

Following a three-month information stage, speeding infringements in these sections will now lead to fines.

Imatge de l'exterior del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, un dels equipaments de la xarxa de refugis climàtics de la ciutat.
15/01/2023 - 14:58 h

Climate shelters in winter too

Climate shelters. The network is made up of 134 municipal facilities and public places, such as libraries, sports complexes, museums and environmental spaces.
