The city works
Local services manage and optimises available natural resources, urban spaces and local territory in order to provide services for citizens by seeking environmental quality and comfort of people.
Urban planning and management
In this section you will find information on urban planning, management and development, as well as on those efforts to improve the urban space and preserve the architectural heritage of the city.
Maintenance of Public Areas
El manteniment de l’espai públic comprèn tots els serveis i àmbits municipals que dia a dia contribueixen al desenvolupament de la ciutat, garantint el benestar ciutadà i facilitant l’evolució i transformació urbana en relació al verd i la biodiversitat, el cicle de la matèria, l’aigua o l’energia a la ciutat.
Education and awareness
Knowledge, dissemination and management regarding available natural resources, morphology and transformation of urban environment and information systems, as well as innovation, promote joint conservation and improvement in favor of a quality environment and everyone’s benefit.