
E.g., 21/11/2024
E.g., 21/11/2024
16/07/2024 - 17:27 h

New services added to the new sewerage cleaning contract to improve the system

Urban planning and infrastructures. The contract for 2025-2030 is being tendered with an estimated value of 184 million euros (VAT not included).

avinguda diagonal
15/07/2024 - 19:07 h

More space for pedestrians and sustainable transport with the remodelled Av. Diagonal

Urban planning and infrastructures. The section between C/ Los Castillejos and Pg. Sant Joan has been transformed.

15/07/2024 - 19:06 h

Testing under way for the tram in Av. Diagonal

Sustainable mobility. A tram covers the new section of track between the stations of Glòries and Verdaguer at a low speed.

Visual que convida a la festa del Port Olímpic.
15/07/2024 - 09:58 h

The Olympic Port reopens this Sunday with a huge festival open to all

Olympic Port. The new Olympic Port kicks off the process of reopening with a festival open to all this Sunday 21 July.

14/07/2024 - 10:58 h

More work to renew and improve lighting in the city

Lighting. Thirty-six street lighting projects will be carried out in 2024, with an investment of 22 million euros.

Diverses persones passegen per la Rambla de nit
13/07/2024 - 09:45 h

New noise pollution plan launched in Ciutat Vella

Noise. Six priority areas of action and a monitoring commission are established.

L'alcalde, Jaume Collboni, durant la visita a l'Escola Els Llorers, un dels 24 centres on s'han començat les obres del Pla Clima Escola Barcelona.
11/07/2024 - 14:38 h

Work gets under way on Barcelona’s climate control plan in 24 schools

Education. The climate-control measures will benefit some 8,300 students at city schools.

10/07/2024 - 10:49 h

New commitment to speed up decarbonisation and foster water savings in the city

Presentation of the new Citizen Commitment for a More Sustainable Barcelona 2024-2034.

09/07/2024 - 12:25 h

Reopening of the Casa Museu Gaudí at Park Güell

Park Güell. The building can be visited by purchasing a combined ticket on the official Park Güell website.

04/07/2024 - 13:15 h

Barcelona reinforces its commitment to sustainability and urban resilience

Barcelona City Council has once again shown its firm commitment to sustainability and urban resilience
