
E.g., 13/09/2024
E.g., 13/09/2024
13/05/2024 - 17:21 h

Improvements to public space speed up with a series of works along the coast

Pla Endreça. Ten roads and pavements will get new surfaces, with urban furniture, handrails, decks and stairs in various locations in Ciutat Vella and Sant Martí also to be renewed.

13/05/2024 - 12:52 h

Return to the exceptional stage of the drought protocol in Barcelona

Drought. The Government of Catalonia has decreed the end to the emergency stage, in place since February, as water levels in reservoirs have recovered and now stand at around 25%.

Un operari del servei de neteja es prepara per netejar una pintada. Autor: Lucas Amillano
13/05/2024 - 12:03 h

Operation to reduce unauthorised graffiti in public space

Safety and prevention. Any sort of graffiti, daubed paint, scribbles, markings, writing, etchings or graphics made using paint or ink are regarded as degrading the urban environment.

12/05/2024 - 23:51 h

Metro service reinforced to facilitate mobility amidst Rodalies network situation

Mobility. The metro service will be bolstered, particularly during rush hours.

Gabions de bioregeneració al port de Barcelona
07/05/2024 - 15:43 h

Pilot project to foster seabed biodiversity

Climate emergency. The Port Olímpic installs twenty bioregenaration gabions to favour the recovery of marine ecosystems.

Fira Montjuïc
06/05/2024 - 17:17 h

International competition to remodel various halls at the Montjuïc trade fair site

Architecture. The call with a view to the centenary of the International Expo of 1929 will be launched on 15 May.

L’hort medieval del Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes
04/05/2024 - 11:08 h

European recognition for the medieval garden at the Monastery of Pedralbes

Environment and sustainability. The European Heritage Hub recognises the garden as one of the ten best practices in cultural heritage in the European Union.

Panoramic view of the Glòries and 22@ area with the sea in the background. Author: Mariona Gil
02/05/2024 - 18:35 h

Barcelona has a budget for 2024

The budget rises to 3,807 million euros, an increase of 5.9%.

Setmanes d'Arquitectura 24
02/05/2024 - 13:39 h

Architecture Weeks 24: activity programme and dates

Architecture. More than 180 activities to celebrate and experience architecture over seven weeks.

Placa solar situada a la façana de la Fàbrica del Sol
25/04/2024 - 17:52 h

New government measure to triple municipal solar power generation through to 2027

Environment and sustainability. The current 177 installations will rise to 384 in three years, generating 19,244 kWp.
