
E.g., 23/11/2024
E.g., 23/11/2024
10/08/2021 - 12:33 h

Mobility is resumed now that work on the Sants - la Sagrera tunnel’s surroundings has finished

Urban planning and infrastructures. Traffic is now back to normal along the C/ Mallorca-C/ Nàpols, C/ Mallorca-C/ Independència and C/ Provença-C/ Urgell junctions.

10/08/2021 - 12:21 h

Building work starts on the new Prosperitat Youth Centre

Youth. The facility is expected to be ready by the end of 2022.

10/08/2021 - 12:08 h

The second stage of the “ReActivating Barcelona” line of financial aid opens

Enterprise. Financial aid for work performed or awaiting performance between the declaration of the state of alarm and 31 December 2021.

09/08/2021 - 10:20 h

Local residents are gaining a new community venue at Mercat de Sant Antoni

Urban planning and infrastructures. Green light for the project will provide for new facilities for the neighbourhood’s iconic market

06/08/2021 - 14:33 h

Traffic disruptions over the weekend of 7 and 8 August

Mobility and transport. Es faran actuacions a la ronda de Dalt i a la ronda del General Mitre.

06/08/2021 - 10:21 h

Improvement and reurbanisation work begins at Parc de la Font d’en Magués

Environment and sustainability. Situat a Torre Baró, el parc forma part de la serra de Collserola.

04/08/2021 - 16:30 h

The ban on tourist-room renting continues

Urban planning. Rooms can be let out provided the period is for more than 31 days and for regular or long-term use.

Obres d'ampliació del col·lector de la Diagonal
04/08/2021 - 13:38 h

Expansion work on Av Diagonal’s drainage duct passes the halfway point

Urban planning. The operation is key to adapting Barcelona’s sewerage network to the threats of the climate crisis.

03/08/2021 - 13:38 h

The Jardins de la Reina Victòria Eugènia, in Gran Via, reclaim their historical spirit

Urban planning. Les millores inclouen l’ampliació del pas de vianants, parterres enjardinats, plantació de més arbres i nou paviment i enllumenat a dues altures.

01/08/2021 - 10:17 h

More electric bikes for the Bicing service by the end of the year

Environment. New electric kits are now being installed which will enable 1,000 push-bikes to be turned into electric bikes.
