
E.g., 12/07/2024
E.g., 12/07/2024
L'alcalde, Jaume Collboni, durant la visita a l'Escola Els Llorers, un dels 24 centres on s'han començat les obres del Pla Clima Escola Barcelona.
11/07/2024 - 14:38 h

Work gets under way on Barcelona’s climate control plan in 24 schools

Education. The climate-control measures will benefit some 8,300 students at city schools.

10/07/2024 - 10:49 h

New commitment to speed up decarbonisation and foster water savings in the city

Presentation of the new Citizen Commitment for a More Sustainable Barcelona 2024-2034.

04/07/2024 - 13:15 h

Barcelona reinforces its commitment to sustainability and urban resilience

Barcelona City Council has once again shown its firm commitment to sustainability and urban resilience

Els tres prototips del repte de regeneració.
02/07/2024 - 13:16 h

Barcelona tests three new prototypes to enlarge and improve housing

BIT Habitat. The three winning projects in the challenge to regenerate housing blocks with innovative and sustainable systems, launched by BIT Habitat and the Municipal Institute for Urban Planning, are being tested on a UPC site in...

29/06/2024 - 12:00 h

Ideas competition to foster women’s use of the city’s sport circuits

The main goal is to find solutions that guarantee equality, safety and women’s autonomy in the use of urban sports circuits.

Architecture Weeks 2024
29/06/2024 - 10:09 h

Over 50,000 people enjoy the city’s Architecture Weeks

Architecture. The seventh edition was more extensive, with a seven-week programme.

28/06/2024 - 15:28 h

Back to the alert stage of the drought protocol

Drought. The Government of Catalonia has decreed an end to the exceptional stage, in place since 13 May, given the recovery of water levels in reservoirs, which are now above 38%.

27/06/2024 - 16:46 h

Summer works: forty-nine projects to improve public spaces and services

Urban planning and infrastructures. The works include projects to renew urban space, rail infrastructures and primary utility networks for water, gas and electricity.

26/06/2024 - 14:45 h

Smart stops and AI to improve circulation, the winning projects in the urban innovation challenge

Mobility and transport. Both projects will get nearly 200,000 euros to conduct pilot tests and assess their feasibility.

26/06/2024 - 09:00 h

Farewell to the cheap houses of Bon Pastor: the transformation of a neighbourhood born almost a century ago

Housing. In 1929, the Bon Pastor cheap houses were built, the first social housing in Barcelona. Since then, the neighbourhood has been transformed, and now the small houses have been demolished to make way for officially protected...
