Barcelona Green Dot Promotion Programme

Do you know how waste is turned into resources?

R-Barceloneta Ampliar imatge

Barceloneta Green Dot offers during 2015 “R-Barceloneta”, a programme with activities on waste prevention and management intended for all audiences.

The City Council promotes "R-Barceloneta", a programme of activities especially addressed at residents from La Barceloneta neighbourhood, but also to all citizens in order to foster a culture of reusing and waste management. "R-Barceloneta" is carried out from January to December 2015 at Barceloneta Green Dot (Pg. Salvat Papasseit, 3 next to La Fàbrica del Sol).

"R-Barceloneta" is an environmental awareness program aimed at:

1) Promoting Barceloneta Greed Dot tool for environmental education and participation among residents from the neighborhood
2) Improving waste prevention and management within the neighbourhood 
3) Promoting circular economy and turning waste delivered at Green Dots to resources for the neighbourhood through workshops, activities, etc.

Barceloneta Green Dot is a facility located in La Barceloneta Park where neighbours deliver the waste they cannot throw into street containers. 

"R-Barceloneta" includes activities with organizations, schools and services to turn waste into useful resources for the neighborhood. It offers a range of activities to reuse waste from Green Dots according to activities and needs of neighborhood organisations.

Activities include:

- Workshops around the neighborhood to learn to convert waste from the Green Dot to useful resources for citizens.

- Meetings. We invite neighbours to deliver waste to the neighbourhood Green Dot in orther to turn it to a resource during the workshops.

- Information Points to explain what a Green Dot is and publicize the programme activities. The Information Point will be available on the last Thursday of each month at the Barceloneta Market (C / Atlantis 49 from 10am to 1pm). There will also be Information Points during spring or town festivals, etc.

Among the proposals included in "R-Barceloneta", there are activities to convert used cooking oil to soap for washing clothes and customize them, as well as workshops to reuse clothes, repair and maintain computers and electronic devices or reuse toys, visits to the neighbourhood Green Dot, workshops for children and families with different materials from the Green Dot, sessions to explain how to prevent toxic waste at home, etc.

Planned Previstes:

Bring used oil from the 2nd to the 28th of February​.
In the centre for the elderly people Casal de Gent Gran Mediterrània in collaboration with the social work Obra Social Santa Lluïsa de Marillac oil will be converted to soap for washing clothes.

Bring second hand computers from the 2nd to the 31st of March.
Bring computers to the repair workshop from the 8th to the 16th of April at 6:30pm in the Barceloneta Green Dot and we will teach you how to repair them.

Bring used oil from the 1st to the 30th of April.
We will turn used oil into soup in the recycled oil made soup workshop on May the 16th at 11am in Plaça del Poeta Boscà (market square).

Bring small electronic and second hand devices from the 2nd to the 30th of May.
We will learn how to repair them in the repair workshop on June the 3rd at 6:30pm in the Barceloneta Green Dot.

You need to register in La Fàbrica del Sol in order to participate in activities 
Tel. 932 564 430 
Email address: 
Registration website:

'R-Barceloneta' Programme