Urban Mobility Plan (2013-2018)

The 2013-18 Barcelona Urban Mobility Plan (UMP) is the planning tool for defining the action lines governing urban mobility over the coming years, with the strategic goal of continuing to advance towards a collective mobility model that is more sustainable, more efficient, safer, healthier and fairer.

The Plan features a series of measures aimed at giving a more central role to pedestrians and cyclists, promoting the use of collective public transport and reducing the use of private vehicles, to improve the quality of the city's mobility, road safety and the efficiency of the mobility system.

The UMP represents an opportunity for reflecting on the role of mobility played by both people and goods in public spaces and on the city's social and economic dynamics. It offers a challenge that calls for cooperation from every player, together with Barcelona City Council, that has the capacity for actively taking part in the building of this model – associations, companies and other institutions, etc.

The Plan's goal is to continue acting on public spaces and mobility to promote positive communal relations between people as well as social cohesion, wellbeing and public health. That is why the plan is based on four strategic foundations: sustainable mobility, fair mobility, efficient mobility and safe mobility.

New Urban Mobility Plan 2019-2024.

130 km

priority for pedestrians

650 km

30 km/h zone

90% of the population

has had a bicycle network within 300 metres (2018)


To reduce atmospheric and noise pollution caused by traffic.




To ease the change to more sustainable means of transport.



To ensure accessibility to the mobility system.



To curb energy consumption by transport and reduce its contribution to climate change.


To increase the proportion of renewable energy consumption.



To increase the efficiency of renewable energy transport in mobility.


To reduce the number of accidents associated with mobility.


To incorporate new technologies into mobility management.