Given the generalised drop in temperatures in the city and in anticipation of them falling to almost zero degrees, the alert stage of the cold weather operation has been activated. In all, an additional 262 beds are being made available, and teams from the Urgent Care and Social Emergency Centre (CUESB), the Social Support Service for Homelessness in Public Space (SASSEP) and the Red Cross will be taking to the streets to contact homeless people and offer them the possibility of staying at a municipal centre.
The operation is dynamic and will adapt according to demand. For the moment, 262 beds are being made available at municipal facilities as follows:
- 75 places at the Emergency Shelter (CAE)
- 73 additional places at the same centre
- 34 places exclusively for women at the Short Stay Centre (CEB) on the upper floor at the CUESB
- 80 places at the municipal facility in Passatge del Dos de Maig
The preventive stage of the cold weather operation is activated every year between December and March, bolstering existing services to provide homeless people with access to a space for occasional stays and social and health support. Since the preventive stage was activated on 1 December, 350 different people have received support in coordination with the forty organisations making up the Support Network for the Homeless (XAPSLL).