The forum will be addressing current challenges on urban security and prevention and the resources available for cities to tackle them: risks to people’s safety, vulnerable situations, the gender impact on security policies and various types of conflicts in coexistence.
The Third Deputy Mayor of Barcelona for Prevention, Security, Coexistence and Internal Affairs, Albert Batlle, will be giving a talk on the balance between nightlife and coexistence, while an expert from the city’s local police corps will be sharing their knowledge on the cross-cutting nature of police action in cases of attempted suicide.
The FEPSU, which Barcelona City Council is a member of, is an association of municipalities and local bodies which defend and promote public policies on prevention sand safety through discussion and the networked exchange of good practices for tackling the urban security challenges faced by cities.
The association promotes the dissemination of experiences, projects and public policies between cities, through meetings, conferences, seminars, working sessions and publications. It also has an advisory role in the formulation of projects linked to public safety and prevention policies.