Ongoing first-aid training for the City Police

26/06/2020 - 14:33 h

Safety and prevention. Barcelona’s police officers get regular first-aid training to be able to respond in an emergency.

Officers from the City Police get regular training in first aid to be able to provide emergency assistance and to be able to administer resuscitation. This was the case with two officers from the corps who saved the life of a baby who was showing signs of suffocation.

Training for the City Police has included different aspects of first aid since 2016 to enable officers to tackle certain situations that may arise in their daily work. From the use of defibrillators to resuscitation techniques, lifesaving support for adults and children and techniques to control haemorrhages.

While the emergency medical services are always required to attend to those who need it, the training given to police officers can save lives in the initial intervention, as was the case with the baby who was suffocating and was successfully attended to by two officers.