Barcelona City Council’s Tax Office Systems Renovation Plan (PSH)
Reference framework
The Institut Municipal d'Hisenda (IMH), working alongside the Institut Municipal d'Informàtica (IMI), has started the Tax Office Systems Renovation Plan. This plan has two main motivations: it gives a more integrated view of all the operations of the IMH with the citizens and, on the other hand, renew the platform, -a Host Mainframe- operational for more than 25 years and which, an intense continuous improvement, it has resulted in a very fragmented and difficult-to-maintain system map. The aim of this project is to provide management staff with new tools, improve interoperability with other authorities and make it easier to interact with the public and the City Council's other bodies.
It will be executed in two phases: The first one, it is planned to execute it between the years 2012 and 2014. The scope of this first phase of the PSH consists in include the following processes: management of the vehicle tax database, management of the register, liquidation and self-assessment of IVTM and management of the collection of all taxes, sanctions and other income under public law
The second phase lasts three years, from mid-2016 to 2019. It is planned to renew the SAP TRM, the management of the database of activities and waste, as well as the cadastre and capital gains. It will also include the management of the activity, open settlements and seizures of vehicles and real estate. The management of standard settlements, the management of complaints and sanctions and their resources will be renewed, as well as embargoes on salaries and wages, tax resources and the application for tax benefits.