Literature, history, politics, art, education and biographies in the Armand de Fluvià Documents Centre's catalogue

16/02/2022 - 13:45

The Armand de Fluvià Documents Centre, which is located in Barcelona's LGBTI Centre, has published its collection of new additions in its catalogue

The Armand de Fluvià Documents Centre, which is located in the Barcelona LGTBI Centre’s facilities, has published its collection of new additions in its catalogue, featuring titles in literature, history, politics, art, education and biographies, on a range of subjects including historical memory, bisexuality and trans identities.

Standing out in the arts category is Construccions identitàries=construcciones identitarias: work in progress, by the photographer Mar Llop, who is coming to the exhibitions space at the Barcelona LGBTI Centre to present part of her documentary, in video clips, Famílies trans*, which will be only until 26 April.

We highlight Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La frontera, in the language and literature section, one of the books to feature in the “Frontier/fugitive bodies of heterosexuality” book club, along with the classic Stone Butch Blues. The book club will be chaired by Iki Yos Piña and held on 23 February and 23 March, from 6 pm to 8 pm.

Standing out in the biographies section is Kattalin Miner’ Empar Pineda. Porque se lo pidió el cuerpo, which was presented at the Centre this January and focuses on the lesbian activist Empar Pineda, whom the Centre paid homage to in November 2021.

As for the history section, we recommend El Paral·lel. 1892-1939: carrer i escena, by Eduard Molner and Xavier Albertí, and La Criolla. La puerta dorada del Barrio Chino, by Paco Villar, which can be used for finding further information on the LGBTI memory and repression routes in Barcelona planned for Saturday, 12 March and Saturday, 9 April.

The gender diversity section features several practical resource guides for trans individuals and their families, next to essays from a long list of famous writers that includes Judith Butler, Susan Stryker and Lucas Platero.

The Documents Centre has also taken on board four works onasexuality, written in English, and another four on lesbianism. There are other new books too on bisexuality, written by Siri Eisner and Anne Fausto-Sterling.

Finally, you can also find volumes in the catalogue on issues such as religion, health, education and social studies.

The Barcelona LGBTI Centre houses the Armand de Fluvià Documents Centre, under a Free Loan Agreement to the facility by Casal Lambda.

The Centre’s fonds contains an extensive documentary collection (library, newspaper library, video library and historical archives) relating to LGBTI people and to sexual, affective and gender diversity.

Consultation and loans times: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, from 4 pm to 8 pm (you will need to bring your national ID (DNI) or supporting document).

See the full list of new titles here:

Newsletter 2021 (2)