Uses of time for health at work

This measure involves integrating the way time organisation impacts health through the proposal for the Workplace Health Advice Council (CASL by its initials in Catalan) to deal with this issue and for Barcelona Activa to be involved.

  • Barcelona Activa is part of the CASL.
  • The Barcelona Workplace Health Advice Council (CASL) worked on the issue of remote work during 2021 and 2022. This subject took on more importance with the arrival of the pandemic, which had a significant impact on work organisation. For this reason, a set of guidelines for incorporating remote work in a healthy way was provided to companies. These guidelines aim to affect areas like work culture, prevention and promotion when it comes to health, detection, monitoring and evaluation, as well as training, information and skills acquisition.
  • On 2 May 2022, the Agreement for Mental Health at Work was presented by Barcelona City Council and the main driving forces behind it: Foment del Treball, PIMEC and the CCOO and UGT trade unions. The aim is to create a network of companies and other organisations that have signed up to the Agreement.
  • The CASL, in a June 2022 meeting of the care workgroup, proposes to develop a list of guidelines and a catalogue of resources focused on occupational health aimed at caregivers with a broad perspective. This list and catalogue can be used for general dissemination purposes, or it could also be sent to people who offer information as part of the Carer’s Card.


Further information:

Last updated on: April 2023

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Ongoing service