Public time policies

Urban Time Policies: Conceptual and Operational Framework

Language: Catalan
Ambit: Barcelona province
Subject: Time Uses
Author: I. Quintana
Directorate: Area of Equality and Citizenship, Barcelona Provincial Government
Barcelona, 2010
Review: The objective of this study is to suggest an analytical and operational model to enable local authorities to establish local time policies. It is clear that contemporary social changes have made time a new social value, and it is equally true that the local sphere is well equipped to improve quality of life with regard to time, as in other areas.

COMPENDIUM of OECD well-being indicators

Ambit: World
Subject: Time uses 
Publisher:  OCDE, 2011 
Review:Primer balance sobre el estado del bienestar social que valora aspectos más allá del PIB. El estudio realizado en 34 países analiza 11 aspectos de la vida diaria de los ciudadanos, entre ellos la casa, los ingresos, la educación o la relación trabajo / vida.

A New Integrated Variable Based on Thermometry, Actimetry and Body Position (TAP) to Evaluate Circadian System Status in Humans

Ambit: World 
Subject: Health 
Authors: Elisabet Ortiz-Tudela, Antonio Martinez-Nicolas, Manuel Campos, María Ángeles Rol, Juan Antonio Madrid 
Publisher: PLoS computational biology, 2011
Review: Study about the incidence of clinical chronobiology applied to the evaluation of the circadian system in relation to the aging, the maturation of new born, the colorectal cancer, the obesity, the sleep apnea and the arterial hypertension.

La evolución del tiempo de trabajo [The working time evolution]

Language: Spanish
Ambit: Europe
Subject: Timetables - Work
Author: CEC-UGT, 2011
Review: Comparative of the evolution of the working time between 2000 and 2008 from the dates of the Economically active population survey realised by the National Statistics Institute. The analysis concludes that the average of worked hours has lowered in Europe of the 38.3 to the 37.2 weekly.

Les polítiques dels nous usos del temps en els municipis petits de la província de Barcelona [The politics of the new uses of the time in the small municipalities of the province of Barcelona]

[La política de los nuevos usos del tiempo en los pequeños municipios de la provincia de Barcelona]
Ambit:  Provincia de Barcelona
Subject:  Equality - Use of time
Direction:  Imma Quintana 
Diputació de Barcelona, ​​2011
Review: El análisis realizado a municipios inferiores de 5.000 habitantes es una herramienta para conocer las demandas y necesidades que, desde una perspectiva de género y en relación a los usos de la época, presentan estos territorios. Recopila actuaciones y experiencias concretas a pequeños municipios en el contexto internacional y local.

Organización del trabajo, conciliación y absentismo [Organisation of the work, conciliation and absenteeism]

Language: Spanish
Ambit: Europe
Subject: Work
Author: Jesús Clemente
CES Aragon, 2011
Review: Splitting of the comparative of the length of the working time Europe, Spain and Aragon the study does an assessment of the necessary time for the development of the familiar life and the incidence of the measures of conciliation in the labour absenteeism.

5to Survey of Conditions of European Work

Language: English(US)
Ambit: Europe
Subject: Work
Author: Eurofound
Review:The survey provides information on the conditions of work, including questions as for example the time of work, the exhibition to risks, the health and labour security, the organization of the work, the balance work-life, the training, and the global labour satisfaction. It presents the evolution of the tendencies from 1991.

Reconciliation of work, private and family life in the European Union

Ambit: Europe 
Subject: Work
Author: Eurofound
Review:This survey data report examines employment rates for men and women, the impact of children on labor market participation, the various forms of flexibility to support the reconciliation of work and family life (part-time work, flexibility of working time, work organisation and place of work) and the satisfaction of individuals with their work?life balance.

Survey of use of the time. Main outcomes

Language: Catalan
Ambit: Catalonia
Subject: Uses of time
Author: Idescat, 2012
Review: Survey of the uses of the time realised in 3248 homes of Catalonia between 2010 and 2011. The results allow to draw the day estandar of the population of more than 10 years and follow the marked patterns by Eurostat.

Comparative analysis of working time in the European Union

Ambit: Europe 
Subject: Schedules
Author: John Morley and Fadila Sanoussi
Review: Comparison of the schedules in the countries of the European Community. It highlights the increase of flexibility in all sectors and the neixemnet of banks of time in the service industries.

Comparative analysis of working time in the European Union

Ambit: Europe 
Subject: Schedules - work 
Author: Eurofound, 2010 
Review: Analysis of the work schedules from the comparative of data collected the years 2000 and 2006. It gathers indicators on working time, flexibility, equality and balance between personal and labour time.

Survey of the Use of the Time 2009-2010

Language: Spanish
Ambit: Spain
Subject:  Use of Time
Author:  Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Review: La presentación de los resultados de la encuesta destaca la disminución del tiempo dedicado a Actividades de Vida Social y entretenimiento y el aumento del tiempo dedicado a Aficionados e Informática. Entre los datos destaca la equiparación entre las horas que hombres y mujeres dedican a las tareas del hogar.