Public time policies

The Tempora Resource Centre for Balancing New Uses of Time

Area: Catalonia 
Subject: Equality - Work 
This project, launched under the European Commission's EQUAL Community Initiative (2002-2004), is aimed at designing and assisting the implementation of services to enable companies, individuals and authorities to introduce policies on time that promote the work/life balance and equality. To this end, Tempora provides a resource bank aimed at companies and institutions. 
Link on the page of the Foundation Maria Aurèlia Capmany

Monographic RScat 3

Area: Catalonia 
Subject: Social conciliation - responsibility 
Author: RScat,2015 
Compilation of public policies implemented in Catalonia environment to social responsibility to public procurement.

Diversity and relative strategies of conciliation in Andalusia. Project Diversia

Area: Andalusia 
Subject: Conciliation – Equality - use of the 
Time|Weather Authors: M. -Sea González, Marta Díez, Francisca López, Eloísa Martínez and Beatriz Morgado 
Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer, 2012 
Compilation of conciliation policies developed in the Andalusian region in the framework of the European People-Diversia.

Trabajo, social género y tiempo

Barcelona: Hacer, 2007 
Autor:  Carlos Prieto (ed.) 
Temas: Tiempo  personal - trabajo
Recopilación de artículos de autores españoles, franceses y belgas sobre el tiempo laboral y personal y la problemática de la división de roles entre hombres y mujeres.

El respirar dels dies: una reflexió filosòfica sobre el temps i la vida [The Breathe of the days. A philosophical reflection on the time and the life]

 [El Aliento de los días. Una reflexión filosófica sobre el tiempo y la vida]
Barcelona. Paidós, 2009 
Autor:  Josep M. Esquirol i Calaf 
Asignaturas:  Horarios - usos del tiempo
"Cuánto tiempo nos queda, qué significa vivir el presente, no tenemos tiempo para nada, en qué sentido el tiempo se puede perder o dar [ …] "El autor plantea estas y otras preguntas sobre la experiencia del tiempo.

Tenir temps i perdre temps [Having time and wasting the time]

Barcelona. Cruïlla, 2002 
Autores:  Brigitte Labbé i Michel Puech 
Temas:  Edad - usos del tiempo
Reflexiones sobre el uso que hacemos del tiempo, apto para niños.

Metrónomo de la vida cotidiana [Metronome of the everyday life]

Gijón. Trea, 2007 
Authors: Ulrich Mückenberger 
Subjects: Uses of the time
The author reviews the theoretical parameters of the policies of time and analyses one of the main experiments carried out in German and other European cities.

In Praise of Slowness. How A Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed

Barcelona- RBA, 2005 
Author: Carl Honoré 
Subjects: a Use of the time
This book is a key work for understanding the emergence of the slow movement and the interest in seeking alternatives to the frenetic pace of life. The point is to do things more gradually and look for a new balance that challenges the cult of speed.

Tempi di vita. Studi e proposte for cambiarli

Milano. Feltrinelli, 1991 
Author: Laura Balbo 
Subjects: Family - work 
A precursor in the introduction of time as an object of social analysis, Balbo defends the need to rethink everyday well-being bearing in mind all the aspects that make up the time of life and not just working time.

The Corrosion of Character. The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism

Barcelona. Anagrama, 2000 
Author: Richard Sennett 
Subjects: Work 
A crucial work for understanding the impact of the changes in the world of work on people's identity. The transition from stable work routines to a new way of life full of uncertainty has changed people's character.

The value of the time ¿Who may hours are missing you to the day?

Madrid. Espasa Calpe, 2007 
Author: María Ángeles Duran 
Subjects: Uses of the time 
In a highly readable style, the author reviews the main problems of the social use of time and suggests alternatives for living in a better society and with time distributed in a more egalitarian manner.

El Tiempo en tus manos [The Time on your Hands]

Barcelona. Ediciones Luciernaga, 2012
Author: Felix Torán 
Subject: Use of the time 
The author shares his experience regarding the time organization, and to distinguish between fake time, intended for our brain to anticipate or remember, by the real time, connection with the present moment that makes us productive and happy.