Time Use Week 2024: Consolidating the right to time in the field of work

»On October 23, a specific day will take place that aims to promote the debate around the rationalization of working time, with debates on the advantages and critical factors to implement the reduction of the working day and the Time Use Laws, and with examples of successful transformations in time management.
»Barcelona City Council will participate with the presentation of the tools for more rational and co-responsible uses of time that it offers to the social and productive organisations of the city.
»Three companies from the NUST Network – Network of companies for a new working time – (Mercabarna, Iterem and ACEFAT) will share their best practices in the application of measures to improve the organisation of time.
As part of Time Use Week, which takes place from October 21 to 25 in Barcelona and online, October 23 will be the day dedicated to consolidating the right to time in the field of work in Time Use Week 2024, with the claim to advance the right to time for everyone.
The day of October 23, which will focus on the debate on the rationalization of working time to achieve a healthier and more efficient organisation of working time, will be held at the Fira de Barcelona site in Montjuïc, in the BizBarcelona. This space is organised by Barcelona Activa, so that businesses, SMEs and self-employed people can access the knowledge and tools to find solutions that allow them to grow their businesses, as well as connect with experts and other professionals with the same needs and stay updated on the latest market trends.
The day will begin with a debate on the proposals and benefits of the Time Use Law and the reduction of working hours for SMEs, as well as the presentation of the Spanish Government’s PYME 375 Plan, which subsidizes indefinite employment and accompanies small companies that implement the reduction of working hours to 37.5 hours per week and its approach through collective bargaining.
Next, the tools for more rational and co-responsible uses of time will be presented by the Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area – both promoters of the Time Use Week together with the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Diputació de Barcelona and the Time Use Initiative – available to organisations in the social and economic fabric that want to implement a new organisation of working time. In this sense, the Barcelona council offers, through its Time Agreement and the NUST Network – a Network of companies for a new working time, several services, such as the Business Advice Service on Equality and Organization of the Time, specific training in the use of time, subsidies, as well as dossiers and studies to accompany and help the implementation of new uses of time in the entities and companies of the city.
But without a doubt, the highlight of the day will be the presentation of successful cases in the organisation of time by the companies Mercabarna, Iterem and ACEFAT, all three members of the NUST Network, who will explain how they have applied measures of improving the organisation of time in their organisations.
To attend the conference, you only need to register on the Time Use Week 2024 website.