We’re now over 300! The entities of Barcelona join the Time Agreement

03/05/2024 - 13:44 h

>> Organizations are key to driving the Time Agreement as a living and dynamic project that must respond to the needs of citizens

The Barcelona Time Agreement becomes a city agreement that promotes the implementation of various actions for people to live and organize their daily life according to their needs and within a collective framework of coexistence. This aims to be a lively and dynamic project between the Barcelona City Council, the city’s social and economic organizations, and individuals.

In this sense, it is precisely within this framework of co-production and shared responsibility that city entities become key agents in the gearing of the Time Agreement from two areas; the transformation of their organizations and the identification and participation in the public and political agenda regarding time use.

The entities that are part of the Time Agreement undertake to promote good practices in terms of time related to their organization and internal functioning, health, education or the promotion of a more sustainable city, among others.

Whilesome of the member organizations already have a long history in the promotion of time policies and have become members of the Time Agreement Driving Group, during 2023 and 2024 we have added new organizations such as Sheleader, Copersona Association, Union Consortium Formation, the Catalan Association of People with Neuromuscular Diseases (ASEM), the Catalan Federation of Social Volunteers and the Space for Inclusion and Training Casc Antic. With these additions, there are now more than 300 entities and organizations that are part of the Time Agreement!

In this section, you can see the total number of affiliated organizations and the activities they carry out.

Incorporating new entities is key to continuing to grow the Time Agreement and to promoting a healthier, more equal, efficient and sustainable time organization that addresses current challenges.

If your organization is interested in becoming part of Time Agreement, you can find out how to join or write to us at pactedeltemps@bcn.cat